What a THRILL to get this entity confirmed on 6-M. I spent
a fair amount of my time on Clipperton (FOØXX) in 1985 trying to
make even a single 6-M QSO. We set schedules with California KW
stations to no avail. Not a single Magic Band QSO was made in our 8
day operation of 30,958 QSO's. (Click on any image to see it larger.)
W8TN as FOØXX from Clipperton in 1985
This year's TX5S operation made a total of 226 QSO's
on 6-M including EME.
In 2013 TX5K made 329 QSO's on 6-M including 56 on EME by
In 2000 FOØAAA made 139 QSO's on 6-M.
In 1992 FOØCI made 279 QSO's on 6-M.
Those four Clipperton Island operations may have produced all the
Magic Band contacts EVER made on 6-M with Clipperton Island
- 973 QSO's! A RARE QSL indeed.
This contact now gives me confirmations on 10-Bands and 3-Modes with Clipperton Island. Maybe someone will operate 2-M EME from there in the near future?
And, to make this contact even more memorable, I worked ZL7DX, Chatham Island, less than one hour before I worked Clipperton Island.
WOOF! Some days the
Magic Band is truly MAGIC!
These LoTW confirmations bring me to 157 All-Time Entities confirmed on 6-M. WOW! I never dreamed of reaching such a level on 50 MHz.