My last post was about my grandsons digging the hole for my new tower. Why do I need a new tower? Well, I'm building a moonbounce (EME or Earth-Moon-Earth) station for 2-M and need a place to mount the antennas. This project has been in the planning stages for over 3 years now. About 14 months ago I started to get serious and placed the order for one antenna. Delays in shipping that antenna led to me adding a second antenna to the order and the 2 antennas were received from England on July 5th last year. I chose the InnovAntenna 13el 144MHz LFA yagis as about the longest I could reasonably put up at my QTH. Each antenna has 16.12 dBi Gain at 144.100 MHz on an 8.003m (3.85 λ or 26.26 foot) boom. Two of them spaced 4m apart horizontally should give 19.05 dBi (16.9 dBd) total gain. This amount of antenna gain coupled to a 1,000 watt amplifier should give me a modest moonbounce station using WSJT software. I will, of course, be limited to a single polarity and thus subject to dealing with Faraday Rotation but I should be able to work dozens if not hundreds of stations off the moon.
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Block Diagram of 2-M EME Station |
To the left you can see the current block diagram of my 2-M EME station. It has evolved as this project has progressed. The diagram on the left is current as of October 29, 2017. Click on any photos to see a larger image.
I started out planning for an extremely simple configuration that would just allow me to make the occasional EME QSO. But, as planning progressed, I kept adding features to make it the most efficient and productive station I could manage. To that end, I added the EA4TX Antenna Controller that when connected to software on my computer will automatically keep the antennas always pointed at the moon without the need for me to manually adjust the rotors. I then added the BG7TBL GPS Disciplined Oscillator that will take signals from the GPS satellites and produce a highly accurate 10 MHz reference signal for my Elecraft K3S to ensure it is precisely on frequency. This is very important with WSJT signals so I felt this would be something that would remove the necessity of my needing to manually insure the frequency accuracy of the radio.

One other very important part of this 2-M EME station is a good low-noise preamp. To take full advantage of that item it needs to be mounted as close to the antennas as possible. I purchased a couple of these preamps from WA2ODO and on the left you can see the Noise Figure Meter printout from the best of these two preamps. Putting such a low-noise preamp right at the antennas will help to keep the system noise figure as low as possible.
As I continue to progress with this project I will Post articles here on my Blog about various aspects of what I'm doing. Hopefully, before long I will be able to post the images of my first EME QSO's in a LONG time. I was on 2-M moonbounce back in the 1980's but only made about a half dozen QSO's with CW. It was huge fun but I'm expecting this new incarnation to be an order of magnitude better!